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Coronation Hill revisited
Coronation Hill revisited
September 9, 2024by Gary Johns

Greens manipulating Blacks is how I remember Coronation Hill, my introduction to Aboriginal politics and the environmentalists who used them. I was a backbencher in the Hawke government. I was so angry at the cabinet’s decision to prevent the mine from reopening...

The Cruelty of the Great Covid Divide
The Cruelty of the Great Covid Divide
March 20, 2024by Melinda Richards

How two people from opposite sides of the pandemic became friends, and realised that division is tyranny’s greatest weapon. By Melinda Richards. ...

Poverty lines and other distractions
Poverty lines and other distractions
August 21, 2024by Gary Johns

The poverty lobby is at it again. Even though the massive expansion of the welfare state has diminished the stressors of poverty, the Brotherhood of St Laurence complains there is no official poverty line 50 years after Australia’s Commission of Inquiry into...

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United Kingdom
The Muslim Vote
July 21, 2024by Daisy Cousens

The issue of mass Muslim migration to Europe and the UK has been brewing for decades. It has resulted not only in an increased danger for women in the form of the European rape crisis, but a steady cultural shift in certain...

United States
Could Kamala do a Jacinda?
Could Kamala do a Jacinda?
August 13, 2024by Gary Johns

Charlie Spiering wrote in Amateur Hour, ‘I was surprised to learn how few Democrats even like [Kamala] Harris, let alone respect her.’ That does not mean Harris cannot win the US presidential election in November. According to the FiveThirtyEight poll average on...

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