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14 articles
Poverty lines and other distractions
Poverty lines and other distractions
August 21, 2024by Gary Johns

The poverty lobby is at it again. Even though the massive expansion of the welfare state has diminished the stressors of poverty, the Brotherhood of St Laurence complains there is no official poverty line 50 years after Australia’s Commission of Inquiry into...

Renewable slave trade
Renewable slave trade
August 6, 2024by Gary Johns

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, the worst forms of child labour, forced labour, and deceptive recruiting for labour or services. The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) introduced reporting requirements for larger companies operating in Australia to assess the risks of modern slavery...

UN Admits ‘Without nuclear, it will be almost impossible to decarbonize by 2050’
UN Admits ‘Without nuclear, it will be almost impossible to decarbonize by 2050’
June 18, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Nuclear energy received a significant endorsement at the 2023 UN climate conference in Dubai (COP28), where 198 nations recognised it as a key low-emission technology needed to move away from fossil fuels....

Doctors For The Environment
Doctors For The Environment
June 17, 2024by Gary Johns

Irksome is how to describe Doctors for the Environment Australia best. Hundreds of their members recently signed a full-page advertisement in the press, which announced that ‘coal, oil and gas are hazardous to our health and well being ... we must put...

Power Plays: NSW's Energy Policy Shaped By Corporate Manoeuvring
Power Plays: NSW's Energy Policy Shaped By Corporate Manoeuvring
June 3, 2024by Nick Spencer

If there’s something I can agree with the NSW Labor Government on, it’s that privatisation doesn’t make much sense when it comes to the energy sector....

Lost your coal job? TOO BAD!
Lost your coal job? TOO BAD!
May 30, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

‘Too bad!’ was the message from both the Albanese and NSW governments this week, as they released pathetic plans to assist coal workers during the net-zero transition....

1 Million Homes To Pay Extra Because They Have Solar
1 Million Homes To Pay Extra Because They Have Solar
May 16, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

We are witnessing the unravelling of the great solar panel con. ...

Hydrogen Bombed
Hydrogen Bombed
May 8, 2024by Gary Johns

Prime Minister Albanese has promised $1 billion of your money to manufacture solar panels in Australia that you could buy at a fraction of the price from China. This is at a time when subsidies for solar panels will decline because the...

 Labor’s Green Pipedream
Labor’s Green Pipedream
April 30, 2024by Nick Spencer

As initially seen with their haphazard campaign to implement an Indigenous Voice to Parliament in 2023, it has become clear that the incumbent ALP government’s legacy upon its departure from office will be characterised by no shortage of rhetoric but ultimately a...

Chris Bowen: "a visionary"
Chris Bowen: "a visionary"
March 28, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

You’ve heard it all now … Anthony Albanese thinks Chris Bowen is a visionary....

The Great Divide
The Great Divide
March 25, 2024by Gary Johns

There are more Greens voters east of the Great Dividing Range than all voters west of it. Greens oppose irrigation and land clearing and promote the roll-out of renewables. People living east of the Great Divide bear some of the cost of...

Inside Twiggy Forrest's Renewable Disaster
Inside Twiggy Forrest's Renewable Disaster
March 22, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

ADH TV has received exclusive footage of the Clarke Creek wind farm in Queensland, called 'The largest renewable development in the southern hemisphere'. The video, revealed on Nick Cater's ...

Four Year Terms = More ‘Chris Bowens'
Four Year Terms = More ‘Chris Bowens'
March 15, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Politicians across the divide are pushing for longer Federal terms....

Australia Needs Royal Commission Into Misuse Of Government Power
Australia Needs Royal Commission Into Misuse Of Government Power
August 19, 2022by Nick Cater

Anthony Albanese rolled out his strategy to win a second term this week. Sadly, it won’t include a credible response to inflation, rising mortgage rates, soaring power prices or anything else that’s being anxiously felt around kitchen tables across the country....

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