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Kamala Harris: Trojan Horse

Daisy CousensJuly 31, 2024

After the assassination attempt of former US President Donald Trump, I thought it would take a meteor hitting the earth to eclipse that from the news cycle. It turns out, however, all that was needed was for current President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race. This occurred without much fanfare, in a carefully worded letter containing the usual half-baked, self-congratulatory White House talking points that we’ve come to know and loathe.

When Biden did eventually address the nation, his speech, far from calling for the unity he so often touts himself as a proponent of, was laced with fear-mongering about Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. Either way, Sleepy Joe is out, and honestly, I’m surprised. I was certain the Democrats would keep on pushing along Sleepy, Creepy Joe as he limped towards the finish line. Not to do so would be to admit that the entire time they’ve been insisting Biden was fit to serve, they were lying.

Biden’s withdrawal is an admission by the Democrats that they knew all along their candidate was one 25th amendment away from a nursing home, and has been for some time. However, the Democrats have been systematically covering this up; deceiving the American people into believing they had a cognitively competent president.

What we do know is who Biden’s likely replacement as the nominee will be; the Vice President and queen of DEI herself, Kamala Harris. So, just who is Kamala? She’s an affirmative action cautionary tale; chosen as Joe Biden’s Vice President because she is a woman and not white. No doubt the Democrats and the left will call anyone who points that out racist, but it’s true. Remember, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar was tipped to be Biden’s Veep pick before the 2020 US election, but she recused herself at the last minute because she felt the gig should go to a woman of colour.

That’s how the American people wound up with a Vice President who not only has a charisma deficit, but is so ineffective the Biden administration has kept her hidden for at least the last two years. She is also exceptionally left wing, and known to support just about every super-woke cause. From radical gender theory to ‘defund the police’, Kamala Harris is on record supporting it.

Not only that, she is a champion of open borders, and has no problem with the notorious US southern border being as porous as Swiss cheese, admitting before she became Vice President that she would decriminalise illegal border crossings. Given that attitude, it’s no wonder in 2021, when the southern border was a covid riddled, overcrowded hellhole, Kamala waited months to visit it. When this was pointed out to her, she tried to laugh it off but saying she had “never been to Europe”.

Given the gender ideology enthusiasm, the Black Lives Matter talking points, and the open borders love, it’s no wonder that in 2020, Kamala was rated by the non-partisan organisation Gov Track as the most liberal, left wing, US senator. Not a good look for somebody who is supposedly a better, less extreme choice than Donald Trump. Yet, despite her many flaws, there is no question Kamala could win the upcoming US election, for two reasons.

First; never underestimate the depth of the left’s hatred and fear of Donald Trump. Many leftists and independents would vote for a pot plant as the Democrat nominee rather than Donald Trump. This is either because they literally believe Trump is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler, or they loath how audacious he is in voicing opinions they don’t agree with. You think people voted for Biden in 2020 because they liked him personally? Nope, they just hated Donald Trump that darn much.

Second; while fans of Trump, including myself, love his wonderfully bombastic style, there are independent voters who might not like the Democrats, but find Donald Trump off-putting. Thanks to Kamala’s long career in the US congress, and her path as Attorney General in California prior to that, she’s all but perfected the art of making herself look like a serious person. That polished way of speaking and carrying herself may be enough to win over swing voters who don’t like Trump’s schtick or Joe Biden’s ‘geriatric chic’, and want someone who presents themselves as “normal”. If Kamala can harness that demographic, she’s in with a fighting shot.

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